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Personal Development

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Personal Development

At Ravensworth Primary School, our ethos and approach support the personal development of every pupil.

A child’s primary years are essential to developing their own identity, confidence, and aspirations for the future. In addition to academic success, we ensure children are given opportunities for personal development, throughout our curriculum and beyond. We play an active role in preparing children for their future so they can go on to engage positively in society.

Children here are nurtured and encouraged to develop positive attributes such as integrity, resilience and acceptance, as well as developing an understanding of British values, preparing them for life in modern Britain, and indeed, the world. Equality and diversity are promoted and celebrated, and we are very proud of a curriculum which equips our children with the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead happy, safe and healthy lives whilst enabling them to develop their talents and strive for their goals.

Our personal development curriculum provides significant opportunities for pupils to engage in 6 key areas, with wellbeing featuring as an overarching priority.

 Character Development

Character development at Ravensworth is a key feature of our offer. In this ever-changing world, the development of a strong, resilient character is an unchanging requirement. We provide our children with the opportunity to develop those personal strengths that will enable them to go out into the world with the confidence, resilience and self-belief needed to negotiate the challenges and opportunities that life will bring. We provide a rich context in which we educate, support and challenge children in applying these personal strengths, so that they can act with wisdom to achieve the best outcomes academically and socially. Our ethos of ‘educating the whole child’ is integral to character development and we are passionate about developing children with a well-rounded character. Our initiatives run through PSHE lessons, assemblies and a wide range of SMSC opportunities.   


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