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What do Parents Say?

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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What do Parents Say?

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You said, we did!

We listen carefully to parent feedback and like to respond to parent feedback by outlining what we have done and where we have taken on board suggestions and helpful pointers. 


What are the children learning this term?

One of the themes that came across on the parent survey was that you would like to know more about what your children will be learning about in school. We have created new information overviews, which largely cover what the children will be learning each term.


what is your child is learning troughout the year

There is a lot of information on our website, all of which outline what we do as across our school.


Our curriculum map and Big Questions



Our English content map



Our curriculum progression maps



Some parents would like a longer catch up with the class teacher

As we have an open door policy, simply ask for a chat with the class teacher at the end of the day, or parents evening will be held during the Autumn and Spring terms. We also hold exhibition events each term, so you can see your child's work and talk to them about their learning. 


You would like to see communication improved

We have been working hard to ensure that communication is strong and below are few actions we have taken:

- Text Ravensworth Messenger directly to phones

- Include more than one parent contact upon request

- We have an open door policy at the end of the day

- Positive messages/postcards/texts have been reintroduced

- The school website contains all relevant information and contains a wealth of information

- The Twitter (X) site has been reintroduced and will be kept up to date

- A termly overview is created for events, ensuring that parents know what is coming up and when

- We utilise a range of communication tools through email, phone calls, letters, text messages and links